Terms and conditions

General information


Joblift GmbH, Große Reichenstraße 27, 20457 Hamburg, (i.e. „Joblift“) known under its URL form as https://joblift.co.uk (i.e. "Website") a job bank.


Joblift provides job offers from partner companies (referred to as "Partners") for job seekers (referred to as "Users") on the related website.


The general conditions regarding the website, as well as all subdomains and aliases, concern the website https://joblift.co.uk. These conditions may be downloaded, saved and deleted by the user. It is also possible to request all general conditions presented by Joblift via mail.


These terms and conditions determine the principles behind the use of the website, and may also apply in the case of (partial) uses of other websites, which allow full or partial access to Joblift. We hereby object to the validity of any terms and conditions of the user. Any business conditions between the user and the website may only be valid under Joblift's written agreement.

Offerings and Services


Joblift is not a merchant. It is simply an aggregator that offers users an array of job offers available through third-party partnerships.


The information displayed does not constitute a legally binding offer from Joblift. That being said, there is no contractual binding between the user and the represented jobs. Contracts regarding the purchase of products or services presented upon partnering web pages are therefore solely established between the users and the partners. It is important to highlight that, in these particular cases, the terms and conditions of the partner apply.


Using Joblift is free of charge. However, a potential contract with a partner might result in additional costs related to the partner's current services offered. If additional charges are expected to be issued, Joblift will receive further notice concerning the matter.


Joblift dissociates itself from the internet appearances of the partners, to which links lead onto Joblift operated or hosted Internet appearances. Joblift has no power over the content displayed on partnering websites.


The suggested offers from partners are in no way job offers from Joblift. The users are guided through the website directly to the pages of the partner from whom the corresponding offer originates. You are required to check all relevant information regarding the partner before you accept the partner's contract.


Joblift strives to maintain and update job postings as frequently as possible. However, it is possible that original job postings have been modified upon a partner's website.


Due to technical reasons, it is impossible to update job postings immediately. In exceptional cases, certain job postings from partnering website may no longer be displayed or available.


Joblift reserves the right to, partially or completely change or delete any job offer without warning.


If you are a job seeker, all data submitted through the website regarding your CV or application is protected by the data protection act. When you upload a CV to Joblift, Joblift may contact you to alert you of job advertisements that match the content of your CV or search on Joblift. In addition, if you are interested in a job posting through the Joblift Apply function, please submit your CV and application to Joblift and request and authorize Joblift to provide this employment job data to the appropriate employers. If you apply via the Joblift Apply function, an application or an e-mail to an employer, the transfer from Joblift is not guaranteed. Joblift also does not warrant that an employer will receive, access, read, or respond to such CVs or applications. In addition, Joblift does not guarantee that data transfer is error-free. However, Joblift can notify you when one of the listed events occurs. In addition, by using the Joblift Apply function, you agree that Joblift is not responsible for the content or format of the application forms, e-mails, screener questions or test scores of the employer, and does not assume any responsibility for the employer receiving your application Or that you receive emails from the employer. If you do not agree to this process for sending applications or emails, you should not use the Joblift Job Forwarding e-mail feature. Instead, send your application or e-mail directly to the employer. In addition, you agree that Joblift will process and process your Joblift applications and any Joblift's responses (including job offers) sent to you by Joblift under this Agreement and Joblift's Privacy Policy. Joblift stores such information regardless of whether a vacant job has been filled or not. Joblift does not ensure the validity of vacancies and recommends jobseekers to review them before taking any steps that could have a negative effect on their current employment situation.


Regardless of whether you are an employer or a job seeker, Joblift, when using the Site, or sending, storing, or receiving materials (including job advertisements, CVs, and messages) through the Site, may use these materials through automated procedures or otherwise. For example, for data analysis, quality control, or optimization of the Website or any other Joblift products or services (including providing better search results and other listings for job seekers and employers). In addition, if you use the Website or send or receive materials through the Site, Joblift is entitled to notify Job Careholders that an employer has taken steps with respect to their applications, such as opening or viewing the Application. You hereby agree that Joblift may perform such actions. Joblift is not responsible for the content, accuracy, completeness, legality, reliability or availability of job advertisements, job openings, job requests, screener questions, screened questions, or CVs sent or received through the website. Should you notice any errors in the listed materials, it is your responsibility to correct them yourself or to contact Joblift for this purpose. Joblift does not ensure the removal of errors.


Regardless of whether you are an employer or a job seeker, Joblift may use job applications (including CVs and questionnaire answers) to determine whether the CV of a job seeker and the answers to a questionnaire match those of a job posting and vice versa. Regardless of whether you are an employer or job seeker, you agree that Joblift has the right to differentiate matching CVs and questionnaires from non-concurrent ones to present these employers accordingly. In addition, Joblift is entitled to use this information to improve the Website and any other Joblift products or services (including viewing and otherwise providing relevant job advertisements and CVs for job seekers and employers).


Regardless of whether you are an employer or job seeker, Joblift can add certain job ads and pages to the website's salary estimates. Note that all salary figures are approximate values based on various submissions from third parties to Joblift. These numbers are provided to Joblift users solely for the purpose of a general comparison. The minimum wage may vary according to jurisdiction. You should check with the employer for the actual salary.

Payment conditions


In the case of having a cost per click (CPC) form of payment, the following conditions apply: the number of clicks is measured based on http-request of Joblift servers. Joblift cannot guarantee that each access is affected by a human user and, as a result, the reduced correspondence is taken into account within a fixed price.


Joblift is committed to assuring that all fraudulent clicks will be removed from the final count. It is considered a fraudulent click if, within the first 5 seconds, multiple access from the same IP address and from the same client are affected upon a job posting.


The client may request to verify the billing system by an expert if by, within the first seven days, the click out rate is above the average from previous periods. The cost of this verification will be paid by the client. They will furthermore be reimbursed by Joblift in accordance. Joblift may oppose a verification if, based on its very own data inventory, it is possible to estimate the average consumption from the three previous periods.

Intellectual Property


The website, in addition to the underlying software and databases, is protected under copyright. The provision for use within the scope of these conditions does not constitute a waiver of the copyrights. Any use of offers, be it for business purposes, in particular commercial uses, is excluded.


All reproduction, coverage and modification, be it fully or partially, is not authorised without the written approval of Joblift. All reproduction, coverage, modification and or disclosure of information is a direct violation to the rights of the owner and will be subject to legal proceedings.


All content, notably texts, softwares, documents, photographies and drawings that appear or are available upon the services are protected by the right of intellectual property and exclusively belong to Joblift and its partners. You therefore agree not to use, reproduce, represent, broadcast, adapt or borrow any content from the services without consent from either Joblift and its partners as this falls under the realm of intellectual property.


All names, brands, logos and or names of products present upon a partner's website also fall under the realm of intellectual property rights.

Data protection


The protection of personal data provided by the user is a top priority for Joblift. Joblift is committed to respecting the legal boundaries with regards to this matter. For more information, please visit our confidentiality declaration concerning data protection.


To collect, modify or use any personal matter is not possible without the user's consent unless legal matters grant data collection, modification or usage of data.



Joblift does not guarantee that the site and content will be exempt of anomalies, errors or bugs, nor will it will function without any failure or interruption


Joblift shall not be held accountable for transmission delays, service loss, errors and impromptu failures caused by the service, in addition to consequences regarding the user. For example, data loss, in the case that the source of the problem is not influenced by Joblift.


Joblift shall not be liable for the unauthorised disclosure of personal data by users or members of third parties, e.g. hackers.


In addition, Joblift is fully liable for intentional or grossly negligent behaviour.


Joblift may only be held accountable of bodily, physical and vital damages, in the case of claims regarding the responsibility of the product within the application of the German Telecommunication Law, in addition to the violations of contractual obligations. Significant contractual obligations are to be followed, as these obligations allow for the proper execution of the contract to be possible. In the case of a lack of contractual obligation, Joblift is only liable to the extent of the typically foreseeable damage.


A liability for indirect and unpredictable damages as well as loss of profit is excluded in case of simple negligence - except in the case of the unlimited liability requirements according to clause 6.4.


Further liability, as provided for in these terms and conditions, is excluded - without regard for the legal nature of the claim asserted.


The limitations or exclusions of liability according to clauses 6.4, 6.5. and 6.7. shall not apply to a legally prescribed fault-independent liability of Joblift or the liability arising from a contractually accepted fault-independent guarantee.


The foregoing exclusion or limitation of liabilities shall also apply to the liability of the employees, agents and vicarious agents of Joblift, in particular to the benefit of the shareholders, employees, representatives, agents and their related members regarding their personal liability.

Changes of general conditions


Joblift may change these terms and conditions at any time. If the employment relationship has already been established between Joblift and the customer, the changed terms of use apply only if the changes have been communicated to the customer of Joblift and the validity of the changed conditions of use has not been contradicted at least in text form (eg. by e-mail) within one month from receipt of the message, whereby Joblift with the announcement of changed terms will point to these legal sequences of a non-observance.

Final provisions


With the exception of the UN purchase law, the law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. The exclusive court of jurisdiction is Hamburg, Germany, insofar, as the user is a merchant within the meaning of the Handelsgesetzbuch or has no fixed place of residence in Germany in the event of a complaint.


Should individual provisions of these terms of use be condemned invalid in whole or in part, remaining provisions shall not be affected.


The terms of use are available in their current form under the URL https://joblift.co.uk/Terms-and-conditions (privacy information under https://joblift.co.uk/Privacy-policy). Previous versions have not been saved.

Partner terms and conditions

Preliminary Note


Joblift is an online platform/Meta-Search-Engine for jobs.


The contract parties agree that in the context of this cooperation Joblift integrates jobs of the Partner into its online platform. In doing so, the integrated jobs will be shown on the Joblift website. Users that want to see these jobs in detail, click on a link to the Partner’s website where the full job description will be shown.

Cooperation objectives


The Partner entitles Joblift to show their users the jobs and the respective content of the Partner on their website. Therefore the Partner will give Joblift access to their data via an API or static feed.

Contract responsibilities


The Partner shall provide information on deep-linking and all data that is necessary to show the jobs via a virtual interface (API or static feed) free of charge. The Partner shall always endeavor to provide Joblift with all important and up to date information. The Partner shall only use pictures and texts for which they hold the necessary usage and exploitation rights.


The Partner shall update the availabilities of the properties at least once daily.


If the Partner decides to change the static-feed/API, the Partner shall communicate this to Joblift at least 21 days before coming into effect so Joblift can implement all necessary adjustments in time.


Both parties shall try to sustain a 24 hours availability and accessibility of their systems. Joblift cannot be made liable for down time due to maintenance work, updates or system-related down time of third party suppliers.


The Partner does not claim exclusiveness concerning the integration. This means that Joblift can offer other jobs from other partners next to the jobs of the Partner or the same jobs from other partners.


The Partner assigns Joblift the right of unlimited usage and administration of the delivered information (including altering of pictures for advertisement purposes) and also allows their use for advertising purposes. Joblift may also use the Partner‘s logos for this purpose.


The Partner recognizes the intellectual and industrial property rights of Joblift and the third parties it employs. The Parties agree that under this Agreement the Partner has no right to or obtain any form of license or sublicense to any of the intellectual or industrial property rights of Joblift or the third parties it employs. The Partner is never permitted to dispose of the rights referred to in this article or otherwise encumbers them or give them to third parties to use or make changes to them.



The payment of the amount has to be transferred within 30 days after receipt of invoice to the bank account of Joblift at

Joblift GmbH

Hamburger Sparkasse

IBAN: DE97 2005 0550 1241 1547 05


Duration of agreement


The agreement comes into force upon signature and is valid for a trial period of 4 weeks or until the agreed budget has been exhausted. The contract may be terminated by both parties after the trial period or after the budget has been exhausted. The right to extraordinary termination shall be unaffected.



The contract parties will not be responsible for any loss, regardless of what they result from, except in case of wilful intent or gross negligence of their representatives or auxiliary persons. This accordingly applies in case of breach of contract, in case of unlawful acts, direct harm and consequential harm caused by a defect as well as in case of delay and impossibility. The preceding stipulation does not apply in case of breach of cardinal duties. Liability for injury to life, limb and health remains unaffected by the above limitation of liability.


The Partner hereby represents, warrants and covenants to Joblift that: (a) the person entering into this Agreement on behalf of the Partner has the authority and full power to do so and (b) the Partner’s performance of this Agreement is not in conflict with, and will not cause an event of default under, any agreement or instrument to which the Partner is a party or by which the Partner is bound.



Both parties undertake to treat any trade and business secrets made known or becoming known by the other party on the occasion of negotiations as strictly confidential and to make these only accessible to third parties (including staff, suppliers and subcontractors) as far as this is necessary for the implementation of this agreement.


Both parties undertake to not commercially exploit any trade and business secrets made known or becoming known by the other party or to make them a topic of intellectual or industrial property rights.


After termination of the contract, the parties will return to each other all confidential documents and delete all information they have obtained on the occasion of implementation of this agreement.

Data protection


The parties ensure to comply with all data protection regulations. If a party violates a data protection regulation and thereby causes loss for the other party (also image loss), the former party shall provide appropriate compensation for the latter and indemnify them from any claims of third parties caused by the violation of this agreement.


Both parties undertake to use all transmitted data confidentiality and in accordance with the laws of data protection. The use of data for market research and advertising purposes is permitted as far as it is permitted by law, welcomed by the customer and necessary for the implementation of the completed transactions and the maintenance of the resulting customer relationship. The rules of the Teleservices Act and the Data Protection Act of the respective country must be observed.


Both parties undertake to keep their websites and transferred data free of illegal content and to observe relevant laws and regulations.



This contract contains all agreements made. Any amendments or supplementary agreements are to be made in writing. This includes the waiver of the written form. In all other cases Joblift’s terms and conditions - that can be retrieved on https://joblift.co.uk/Privacy-policy - apply.


The contractual relationship and the resulting rights and obligations shall be entirely subject to German law excluding the application of the CISG (UN Convention on Contracts for the International sale of Goods). The contract parties agree that Hamburg is the place of jurisdiction for any possible dispute.


The invalidity or ineffectiveness of individual clauses does not affect the validity of the other terms. The contract parties undertake to replace an ineffective regulation by a valid regulation that equals their economic success and that reflects the purpose of this contract to the best extent possible.